
Trademark Opposition Systems in the MENA Region: Country Comparison

Trademark Oppssition

The MENA region features diverse trademark opposition systems, with significant variations across countries. Here’s an overview of the key aspects of these systems:

1. Countries with Opposition Systems:

  • Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar: Offer pre-registration opposition procedures.
  • Algeria, Lebanon: Lack pre-registration opposition; challenges are made through cancellation actions post-registration.

2. Opposition Filing Deadlines:

  • Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt: 2 months after publication.
  • UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman: 60 days.
  • Jordan: 3 months.
  • Iran: 30 days.

3. Duration of Opposition Proceedings:

Varies from 6 months to several years depending on complexity and whether litigation is involved.

4. Grounds for Opposition:

  • Common grounds include:
  • Prior trademark rights: Establishing infringement on an existing mark.
  • Reputation: Opposition based on international brand reputation (even if not locally registered).
  • Bad faith: When a trademark is registered fraudulently.

5. Opposition Challenges:

If the opposition is rejected, the decision can be appealed to an administrative authority or court.

6. Trademark Comparison Methods:

  • Opposition reviews typically consider:
  • Phonetic, conceptual, and visual similarities.
  • Product and service classifications.
  • The reputation of the opposing brand and potential market confusion.


The trademark opposition systems in the MENA region vary significantly in terms of procedures, timelines, and opposition grounds. Understanding these differences is essential for effectively safeguarding trademark rights in the region. Whether in Morocco, Tunisia, or the UAE, a proactive strategy is key to securing intellectual property rights.

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